Сложная хирургия окулопластики. WET-LAB

Complex oculoplasty surgery. WET-LAB

At the end of the course, the doctor will acquire skills in carrying out: correction of ptosis, brow-lifting, work with epicanthus, medial angle, lifting of the middle zone of the face, upper and lower blepharoplasty; acquire knowledge on the management of patients in the perioperative period, understanding how the patient sees aesthetics.
The MAMO Academy provides an opportunity to take a 2-day advanced training course with obtaining 16 NMO points!
Attention! The course program is under accreditation. NMO points will be awarded after the program is accredited.

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Сложная хирургия окулопластики. WET-LAB

Course description

During the course, students will study in-depth issues related to the anatomy of the orbital region, get acquainted with the principles of performing operations on epicanthus, various techniques of "braulifting" surgery, work out manual skills on cadaveric material, learn how to diagnose the most common complications, their prevention and treatment.

Additional course information

Course section

Обучение Офтальмологии

Course for

Врачей-офтальмологов, челюстно-лицевых хирургов и пластических хирургов

Documents for admission

  • Copy of the passport
  • Passport - 2 list
  • The document on higher medical or pharmaceutical education
  • Old specialist certificate
  • Marriage/divorce certificate, if the name has been changed **
  • Additional documents

** — If this document is available


г. Москва, 2-й Рощинский проезд, д.8 *Слушателям курса предоставляется скидка -10% на проживание в бизнес-отеле "Серпуховской двор" по адресу: г.Москва, 2-й Рощинский проезд, д.8, стр.4. Контакты для бронирования со скидкой: тел. 8-915-187-69-38 или E-mail: info@sdhotel.ru

Course Lecturers

  • Малышева Нина Александровна

    Малышева Н.А.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, ophthalmoplastic, ophthalmic surgeon
    • Ophthalmosurgery
    • Ophthalmoplasty
    More detailed

Course program

День 1

День 2

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