Лазерная хирургия переднего и заднего отрезка глаза. WET-LAB

Laser surgery of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. WET-LAB

At the end of the course, an ophthalmologist will be able to fully master basic practical and theoretical knowledge about the technology of laser exposure to eyeball tissue.
The MAMO Academy provides an opportunity to take a 3-day advanced training course with obtaining 18 NMO points!

  • €670


  • 18 April 2025

All places are booked.
for the next course

Лазерная хирургия переднего и заднего отрезка глаза. WET-LAB

Course description

Advanced training course "Laser surgery of the anterior and posterior segment of the eye. WET-LAB " is aimed at acquiring basic knowledge, skills and practical skills from the student, which will allow to carry out medical activities related to the use of lasers. The theoretical part of the course includes lectures covering the methods of laser operations and the selection of the intensity of exposure in retinal diseases, glaucoma, secondary cataract, the peculiarities of preparation and pharmacological support. The practical part of the lessons is aimed at working out the theoretical knowledge gained in pig's eyes.

Additional course information

Total cost €670
NMO Points 18 points
Course dates 18-20 April 2025 y.
Number of hours 18 academic hours
Number of participants no more than 10 people
Total cost €670
NMO Points 18 points
Course dates 07-09 November 2025 y.
Number of hours 18 academic hours
Number of participants no more than 10 people

Course section

Обучение Офтальмологии

Course for

Врачей-офтальмологов и клинических ординаторов

Documents for admission

  • Copy of the passport
  • Passport - 2 list
  • The document on higher medical or pharmaceutical education
  • Old specialist certificate
  • Marriage/divorce certificate, if the name has been changed *
  • Additional documents
* — If this document is available


г. Москва, 2-й Рощинский проезд, д.8 *Слушателям курса предоставляется скидка -10% на проживание в бизнес-отеле "Серпуховской двор" по адресу: г.Москва, 2-й Рощинский проезд, д.8, стр.4. Контакты для бронирования со скидкой: тел. 8-915-187-69-38 или E-mail: info@sdhotel.ru

Course Lecturers

  • Сергушев Сергей Геннадьевич

    Сергушев С.Г.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, ophthalmic surgeon, doctor of the highest category
    • Vitreoretinal Surgeon
    More detailed
  • Хомякова Елена Николаевна

    Хомякова Е.Н.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, assistant of the course of ophthalmology at the Department of Surgery faculty of advanced training of doctors
    • Ophtalmology
    • Laser surgery of the retina, glaucoma, secondary cataract dissection, vitreolysis
    More detailed

Course program

Day 1

09.00 — 09.45

День 2

День 3

All places are booked.
for the next course