Trubilin Vladimir Nikolaevich

Fedorova Irina

Candidate of Medical Sciences, ophthalmosurgeon
  • Cataract surgery
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery of the anterior segment of the eye
  • Refractive surgery
  • 1995 - Defense of an international medical diploma at the University of Ancona, Italy
  • 1995 - became a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • 1997 - entry into the Order of physicians of Italy
When I finished my residency in ophthalmology, in 1981, my father, academician Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov, was passionately passionate about refractive surgery. He himself had an excellent 200% vision and wanted to rid the world - especially youth - of glasses. In the early 1970s, he became interested in the work of Japanese doctor Sato in this direction and created a group of specialists that included ophthalmologists and physicists. She began the development of techniques aimed at the surgical correction of optical eye defects. I subsequently entered this group and defended my dissertation on this topic. I personally operated on several thousand patients with myopia and astigmatism. The results were impressive for both patients and doctors around the world. MNTK MHG for the 1980s, including mine, trained hundreds and even thousands of specialists from Europe and the USA. As a result, I made friends with many of them, received a number of offers to work abroad, chose Italy, where I worked in the 1990s. Keratotomy was gradually supplanted by laser methods, then intraocular phakic lenses appeared. And all this is based on the development of Svyatoslav Nikolaevich. Currently, the ophthalmologist has a wide selection of methods for surgical correctio Fedorova I.
Федорова Ирина Святославна
  • year of medical practice 40
  • scientific works 45
  • inventions 3


1979-present ophthalmosurgeon in the department of cataract surgery MNTK "Eye Microsurgery"

1981-1984 Junior Researcher, ISTC "Eye Microsurgery"

1984-1988 Assistant, Department of Ophthalmology, Moscow Medical Dental Institute Semashko

1988-1994 ophthalmosurgeon, teacher of continuing education courses of MNTK “Eye Microsurgery”

1989-1990 Ophthalmosurgeon at Studio Oculistico Dott. Vichi, Pesaro, Italy

1994-1999 Ophthalmosurgeon at Studio Oculistico Prof. Dossi, Turin, Italy

1999-2003 chief physician and ophthalmosurgeon of the private medical clinic "Artoks"

2003-present Director General and Ophthalmosurgeon of the FIS Center Eye Clinic


  • in 1979 she graduated from the medical faculty of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. Semashko
  • From 1979 to 1981 she studied at the clinical residency of the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Microsurgery
  • in 1984 she defended her thesis at the Dissertation Council of the ISTC "Eye Microsurgery" on the topic "Surgical correction of postoperative astigmatism in patients with IOL"