Anisimova Natalya
Ophthalmic Surgeon
- Cataract surgery
- Refractive surgery
- Vitreoretinal surgery

- years of medical practice 8
- printed works 60
- patent for inventions 11
Coducts courses
С 2018 года по настоящее время - врач-офтальмохирург глазного центра «Восток-Прозрение» (г. Москва), ассистент кафедры глазных болезней МГМСУ.
С 2019 года заведующая хирургического отделения Глазного центра «Восток-Прозрение».
С 2021 года главный врач глазного центра «Восток-Прозрение».
- 2013 - graduated from the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the specialty "Medical business"
- 2018 - defended her dissertation "Clinical and experimental substantiation of optimal drug anti-inflammatory therapy for the prevention of myosis during femtolaser-assisted phacoemulsification"
- Multiple internships abroad
- Member of the European and American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, active reviewer of prestigious foreign journals