Actual issues of diagnosis and treatment of cervical pathology in the light of cervical cancer prevention
At the end of the course, an obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to fully master basic practical and theoretical knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical pathology
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Course description
The advanced training course "Topical issues of diagnosis and treatment of cervical pathology in the light of prevention of cervical cancer" is aimed at acquiring basic knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the cervix.
The theoretical part of the course includes lectures on the role of HPV in the occurrence of dysplasia and cervical cancer; they cover the basics of colposcopy, diagnosis, treatment of pathological conditions of the cervix and prevention of cervical cancer.
The practical part of the lessons is aimed at mastering the skills of using a radiosurgical device with a wave frequency of 2.2 MHZ on tissue imitating the cervix. During the course, students will acquire skills to work with the device in different modes.
Additional course information
Total cost | €500 |
Number of hours | 16 academic hours |
Course section
Обучение Акушерству и гинекологии
Course for
Врачей акушеров-гинекологов
Documents for admission
*- Copy of the passport
- Passport - 2 list
- The document on higher medical or pharmaceutical education
- Old specialist certificate
- Marriage/divorce certificate, if the name has been changed **
- Additional documents
** — If this document is available